Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'll have my horny politician Indian style with extra hot curry, please.

Narayan Dutt Tiwari is the governor of the Andrah Pradesh state in southern India.  Or at least he was until yesterday when he resigned.

Narayan Dutt Tiwari.  
Don't let the bi-focals and the soda jerk hat fool you.
Who'da thought he was the Tiger Woods of India?

Jeez, Funeral Guy, why should we care about the resignation of some unknown politician with some unpronounceable name from some ungodly province of some third world dirt puddle?  I'll tell ya why, pilgrim.  Because he had to resign when they aired a tape of him cavorting flagrante delicto with three floozies at the same time, that's why.   Pretty good, huh?  Narayan, for his part, denies the whole thing and claims the tape is doctored, but he resigned anyway.

Hot Indian Broad.
Ooops, sorry.  Wrong continent.

Hey, Baby, don't pour that out.
That's the warm milk that my nurse 
puts my crushed Viagra in. 

Oh, I forgot to mention.  My man Narayan?  He's 86.  86!!!!!!!   If I was 86 and still able to take on three strumpets at once I wouldn't be denying nothin'.  I'd be standing tall, pointing proudly at my chest and proclaiming to the world, "Yep.  That's me alright.  Guilty as charged."  WhoooHoooo!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to get confused when someone says Indian. I always follow up with "dot or feather" for clarification.
