Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Female Viagra??!! Good lord, we'll never get any work done.

Doctor, Doctor, give me the news.  
I gotta bad case of lovin' you.

Another sexual enhancer that came (no pun intended) from research into another problem.  Filbanserin was being investigated as an anti-depressant when women reported a "increase in libido that they liked."  Well, who wouldn't?  Putting aside the need for yet another mood altering substance on the market, this could be a real breakthrough.

Men have problems with erection.  Women have problems with desire.  'Twas ever thus.  All in all by upper middle age you're supposed to be occupied with other things, but now perhaps all commerce can come to a stop so that young and old alike can just do the shag nasty all day long.

The world comes to an end with both a bang and a whimper.  Nice.

As always scientists have to be very careful.  Unintended consequences and Frankenstein's monsters abound in experiments gone awry.  Full disclaimer and warning.  Click here.  Might be disturbing to some ladies.  (Hell, it was somewhat disturbing to me, and I've seen everything.)  Definitely NSFW.

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